Sunday, 18 August 2013


My Bucket List...

I've always wanted to write. I've always wanted to complete my Bucket list. It suddenly dawned on me that I could put two and two together and write a blog about my mission to complete the things on the list!
Of course, not all of them will happen straight away... It's not like I can just pick up and go to live in Germany for a year right now! And of course I have to be 21 to go to Las Vegas so it seems I will just have to wait... 
However, there are some things I can complete now, like sleeping under the stars or send a written letter to a random address.
I will keep you posted with everything that I have done with evidence of me doing it. I will also be posting evidence onto my Tumblr (click to be sent to the address) so follow me to keep track. I hope the things I want to do will maybe inspire you to start your own bucket list or motivate you to do better things.

To get you started here are a few ideas you could think about adding you your list...

Sleep on the Beach
Go Skinny Dipping
Make Vodka Gummy Bears
Go Sky Diving
Go on a Road trip
Visit every Continent
Lie under a Plane taking off
Stencil a Shirt
Create a Fort

Thank you for reading! 
Devon x

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